Use String length to compare empty string variables
It is quicker to test if the length of the string is 0. Because the String.equals() method is overkill to test for an empty string.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public boolean isEmpty(String s){
return s.equals("");// VIOLATION
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public boolean isEmpty(String s){
return s.length()==0;// CORRECTION
Avoid duplication of code
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
int x = 18;
if(x > 11) { // Violation.
int jj = i + 9;
int k = jj * 3;
else if( x < 30 ) { // Violation.
int jj = i + 9;
int k = jj * 3;
Avoid empty "if" block structure
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
int s = 0;
int i = 10;
if (i < s) {// VIOLATION
i = s;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
int s = 0;
int i = 10;
if (i < s) {// CORRECTION
i = s;
Avoid Serialized class with only transient fields
The class with only transient fields doesn't have any state information that needs to be preserved
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation implements Serializable { //Violation
transient int count = 0;
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection { //Correction
transient int count = 0;
Avoid using Math class methods on constants
It is quicker to determine the value statically.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
double a;
a = Math.abs(2.5); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
double a;
a =2.5; // FIXED
Avoid polling loops
Do not use polling loops / busy waiting.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
boolean c;
void sample() {
while(!c) {
try {
Thread.sleep(100); // VIOLATION
catch (InterruptedException e){
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
boolean c
Object obj;
void sample() {
synchronized(obj) {
while(!c) {
try {
objLock.wait(); // CORRECTION
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Avoid multi dimensional arrays
Try to use single dimensional arrays in place of multidimensional arrays.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(int[][] val) { // VIOLATION
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
System.out.println(val[i][0] + ":" + val[i][1]);
public void sampleAlt() {
int[][] arr = new int[][]{ // VIOLATION
{1,2}, {2,4}, {3,6}, {4,8}
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(int[] val1, int[] val2) { // CORRECTION
for (int i = 0; i < val1.length; i++) {
System.out.println(val[i] + ":" + val[i]);
public void sampleAlt() {
int[] arr1 = new int[]{1,2,3,4}; // CORRECTION
int[] arr2 = new int[]{2,4,6,8}; // CORRECTION
sample(arr1, arr2);
Define initial capacities
Expansion of array capacity involves allocating a larger array and copying the contents of the old array to a new one.
The old array object gets reclaimed by the garbage collector. Array expansion is an expensive operation.
package com.vimal.sample;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SampleViolation {
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); // VIOLATION
public int sample() {
return al.size();
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class SampleCorrection {
private final int s = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(s); // CORRECTION
public int sample() {
return al.size();
Avoid Integer valueOf intValue
Avoid using Integer.valueOf(String).intValue() instead call Integer.parseInt(String).
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public int getValue(String s) {
return Integer.valueOf(s).intValue(); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public int getValue(String s) {
return Integer.parseInt(s); // CORRECTION
Close jdbc connections
Always close the database connections opened.
package com.vimal.rule;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample (String url) throws SQLException {
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); // VIOLATION
// some operations on connection
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample (String url) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
} finally {
conn.close(); // CORRECTION
Close jdbc connections Only In finally Block
Always close the database connections opened. The one of the places to close the connection is in finally block.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample (String url) throws SQLException {
try {
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
conn.close (); // VIOLATION
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample (String url) throws SQLException {
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
} finally {
conn.close(); // CORRECTION
Place try catch out of loop
Placing "try/catch/finally" blocks inside loops can slow down the execution of code.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
void sample (InputStream is) {
int z = 0;
int t = 20;
int c = 0;
for (int i = z; i < t; i++) {
c +=;
} catch (IOException ie) {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
void sample (InputStream is) {
int z = 0;
int t = 20;
int c = 0;
for (int i = z; i < t; i++) {
c += ();
} catch (IOException ie) {
Avoid string concatenation in loop
Use 'StringBuffer' instead of 'String' for non-constant strings.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
String res = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
res += i+","; // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
String res = "";
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
buffer.append(i+","); // CORRECTION
res = buffer.toString(); // CORRECTION
Avoid repeated casting
Avoid repeated casting by casting it once and keeping its reference
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(Object obj) {
((User) obj).setText(""); // VIOLATION
((User) obj).setEditable(false); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(Object obj) {
final User tf = (User) obj; // CORRECTION
Use toArray with array as parameter
Use toArray(Object[] ) instead of toArray() on collection.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Collection c = new ArrayList();
Object[] obj = c.toArray(); // Violation
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
Collection c = new ArrayList();
String[] x = (String[]) c.toArray(new String[2]); //Correction
Avoid using java lang Runtime freeMemory
Avoid using java.lang.Runtime.freeMemory() in production code since it is typically associated at the time of manual profiling activities.Use some profiling tool instead.
public class SampleViolation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println( Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() ); // VIOLATION
int[] val = new int[ args.length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < val.length; i++ ) {
val[ i ] = Integer.parseInt( args[ i ] );
System.out.println( Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() ); // VIOLATION
Use PreparedStatement instead of Statement
PreparedStatements should be used where dynamic queries are involved.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(Connection conn) throws Exception {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String qry = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = " + i;
ReultSet rs = stmt.execute(qry);
Should be written as:
package com.rule;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(Connection conn) throws Exception {
String qry = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(qry);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
Close jdbc resources
Always close the JDBC resources opened.The place to close jdbc resources is finally block
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(String url, String query) {
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
stmt = conn.createStatement(); // VIOLATION
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); // VIOLATION
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (Exception e){
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(String url, String query) {
Connection conn = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
stmt = conn.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally{
try {
rs.close(); // CORRECTION
stmt.close(); // CORRECTION
} catch (Exception e){
Avoid concatenating Strings in StringBuffer
Avoid concatenating Strings in StringBuffer's constructor or append(..) method.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Hi" + getGames()); // VIOLATION
sb.append("he is " + getUserName()); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Hi");
sb.append("He is ");
Always close the streams opened, in finally block.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample ( f) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
try {
fileInputStream = new; //Violation ();
} catch ( e1) {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample ( f) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
try {
fileInputStream = new; ();
} catch ( e1) {
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
} finally {
fileInputStream.close (); // CORRECTION
Use NIO in server
Using NIO for server is better than using traditional package.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(ServerSocket ss) throws IOException {
Socket soc = ss.accept(); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
Use classes in java.nio.channels in the server code.
Specify StringBuffer capacity
The Default 'StringBuffer' constructor will create a character array of a default size(16). When size exceeds its capacity, it has to allocate a new character array with a larger capacity, it copies the old contents into the new array,
and eventually discard the old array.By specifying enough capacity during construction prevents the 'StringBuffer' from ever needing expansion.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
private StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // VIOLATION
public void method(int i) {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
private final int size = 10;
private StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(size); // CORRECTION
public void sample(int i) {
Avoid constant expressions in loops
It is more efficient to either simplify these expressions or move them outside the body of the loop.
public class SampleViolation {
public static final boolean TRUE= true;
public static final boolean FALSE= false;
public static final int sample= 7;
public void sample() {
int[] x= new int[10];
int j= 0;
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
x[0]= 7+(sample+9);// VIOLATION
for(j=0; TRUE||FALSE;) {// VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public static final boolean TRUE= true;
public static final boolean FALSE= false;
public static final int sample= 7;
public void sample() {
int[] x= new int[10];
int j= 0;
x[0]= 7+(sample+9);//Correction
for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for(j=0; TRUE;) {//Correction
Reduce switch density
Reduce switch density for performance reasons.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
switch (x) { // Violation.
case 1: {
if(status) {
// More Statements
case 2: {
// More Statements
default : {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
switch (x) { //Correction.
case 1: {
if(status) {
case 2: {
default : {
public method1() {
// Do Something.
public method2() {
// Do Something.
Avoid unnecessary implementing Clonable interface
package com.vimal.sample;
public class Sampleviolation implements Clonable {
public void sample() {//Violation.
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection implements Clonable {
public void sample() {
Sampleinterface clone = new Sampleinterface();
Object o = theClone.clone(); //Correction.
Avoid new with string
Avoid using new with String objects.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public int sample(String str) {
String s = new String(str); // VIOLATION
return s.length();
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public int sample(String str) {
String s = str; // CORRECTION
return s.length();
Use arrayList inplace of vector
Use 'ArrayList' in place of 'Vector' wherever possible ArrayList is faster than Vector except when there is no lock acquisition required in HotSpot JVMs (when they have about the same performance)
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
final int SIZE = 10;
private Vector v = new Vector(SIZE); // VIOLATION
public int sample() {
return v.size();
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
final int SIZE = 10;
private ArrayList al = new ArrayList(SIZE);// CORRECTION
public int sample() {
return al.size();
Avoid Synchronized blocks
Do not use synchronized blocks to avoid synchronization overheads
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
synchronized (getClass()) { // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public synchronized void doTest() { // CORRECTION
Use hashMap inplace of hashTable
Use 'HashMap' in place of 'HashTable' wherever possible
public class SampleViolation {
private static final int SIZE = 10;
private Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(SIZE); // VIOLATION
public void sample() {
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
private static final int SIZE = 10;
private HashMap ht = new HashMap(SIZE); // CORRECTION
public void sample() {
Declare method arguments final
Any method argument which is neither used nor assigned should be declared final.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(int i,int j) { // VIOLATION
j = j + i;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(final int i,int j) { // CORRECTION
j = j + i;
Avoid using java lang Class forName
Decreases performance and could cause possible bugs.
public class SampleViolation {
private void sample() {
try {
System.out.println(Class.forName("java.lang.Integer").getName()); // VIOLATION
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
private void sample() {
System.out.println(java.lang.Integer.class.getName()); // CORRECTION
Declare variable final
Any variable that is initialized and never assigned to should be declared final.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
int i = 5; // VIOLATION
int j = i;
j = j + i;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
final int i = 5; // CORRECTION
int j = i;
j = j + i;
Always declare constant field static
The constant fields that are declared final should be declared static.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
final int MAX = 1000; // VIOLATION
final String NAME = "Noname"; // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
static final int MAX = 1000; // CORRECTION
static final String NAME = "Noname"; // VIOLATION
Avoid unnecessary "instanceof" evaluations.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
private String obj = "hi";
public void sample() {
if (obj instanceof Object) { // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
private String obj = "hi";
public void sample() {
if (obj instanceof Object)
Use instanceof only on interfaces
public class MyClass {
public class SampleViolation {
private void sample (Object o) {
if (o instanceof MyClass) { }// VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
interface MyInterface {
public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
public class SampleCorrection {
private void sample (Object o) {
if (o instanceof MyInterface) {
}// Correction
Avoid creating thread without run method
A Thread which is created without specifying a run method does nothing other than a delay in performance.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() throws Exception {
new Thread().start(); //VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(Runnable r) throws Exception {
new Thread(r).start(); //FIXED
Do not declare members accessed by inner class private
Do not declare members accessed by inner class private.
public class SampleViolation {
private int iVar = 0; // Violation
class inner {
int var2;
public void sample() {
var2 = iVar;
// ...
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
int iVar = 0; // Correction
class inner {
int var2;
public void sample() {
var2 = iVar;
// ...
Avoid passing primitive int to Integer constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Integer i = new Integer(3); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(3); // Correction
Avoid passing primitive long to Long constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Long i = new Long(3); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
Long i = Long.valueOf(3); // CORRECTION
Avoid passing primitive char to Character constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Character i = new Character('a'); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(){
Character i = Character.valueOf('a'); // CORRECTION
Avoid using String toString
Avoid calling toString() on Strings.Instead use String.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
String str="sample";
System.out.println(str.toString()); // Violation.
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
String str="sample";
System.out.println(str); // Correction
Avoid passing primitive byte to Byte constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Byte i = new Byte(3); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Byte i = Byte.valueOf(3); // FIXED
Avoid passing primitive double to Double constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Double i = new Double(3.0); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
public void sample(){
Double i = Double.valueOf(3.0); // CORRECTION
Avoid passing primitive short to Short constructor
Avoid creating objects of primitive types using the constructor.
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Short i = new Short(5); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
public void sample() {
Short i = Short.valueOf(5); // CORRECTION
Avoid nested Synchronized blocks
Avoid nested Synchronized blocks to improve performance
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
synchronized (getClass()) {
synchronized (this) { // VIOLATION
Reduce number of exception creations
Reduce number of exception creations for performace reasons
public class SampleViolation {
public static final int TEN = 10;
public void sample() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("1");
throw new Exception("2");
throw new Exception("3");
throw new Exception("4");
throw new Exception("5");
throw new Exception("6");
throw new Exception("7");
throw new Exception("8");
throw new Exception("9");
throw new Exception("10");
throw new Exception("11");// VIOLATION, it is the 11th exception.
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public static final int TEN = 10;
public void sample() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("1");
throw new Exception("2");
throw new Exception("3");
throw new Exception("4");
throw new Exception("5");
throw new Exception("6");
throw new Exception("7");
throw new Exception("8");
throw new Exception("9");
throw new Exception("10");
Ensure efficient iteration over map entries
Using a keyset to iterate over a map, and then requesting values for each key is inefficient.
public class SampleViolation {
public void Sample(Map map)
Iterator iter = map.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object key =;
Object value = map.get(key); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(Map map)
Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
Object key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue(); // CORRECTION
Ensure efficient removal of map entries
Searching a keyset/entryset to fetch the key to remove the element is inefficient.
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(HashMap collection) {
Set keySet = collection.keySet();
Iterator keyIter = keySet.iterator();
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
Object key =;
collection.remove(key); // VIOLATION
another case when we iterate on entry set:
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(HashMap collection) {
Set entrySet = collection.entrySet();
Iterator entriesIter = entrySet.iterator();
while (entriesIter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry) entry = (Map.Entry);
Object key = entry.getKey();
collection.remove(key); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(HashMap collection) {
Set keySet = collection.keySet();
Iterator keyIter = keySet.iterator();
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
keyIter.remove(); // CORRECTION
Always reuse immutable constant objects for better memory utilization
Creation of constant immutable objects that are not assigned to static final variables lead to unnecessary memory consumption.
public class SampleViolation {
protected Object[] getObjects() {
return new Object[0]; // VIOLATION
public static Integer sample(String s) {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return new Integer(-1); // VIOLATION
} else {
return new Integer(s);
Should be written as:
public class SampleCorrection {
public static final Object[] NO_OBJECTS = new Object[0];
protected Object[] getObjects() {
private static final Integer INT_ = new Integer(-1);
public static Integer sample(String s) {
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return INT_; // CORRECTION
} else {
return new Integer(s);
Avoid instantiation for getClass
Do not create instances just to call getClass on it.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Class c = (new ClassSample()).getClass(); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
Class c = ClassSample.class; // CORRECTION
Avoid equality with boolean
Avoid comparing a boolean with "true".
public class SampleViolation {
boolean sample(String value) {
boolean b = false;
String str = "S";
if (value.endsWith(str) == true) {// VIOLATION
b = true;
return b;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
boolean sample(String value) {
boolean b = false;
String str = "A";
if ( value.endsWith(str) ) { // CORRECTION
b = true;
return b;
Avoid call to Thread.sleep()
Do not call Thread.sleep() for performance reasons
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Thread.sleep(100); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class sampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
this.wait(100); // CORRECTION
Avoid creating double from string
Avoid creating double from string for improved performance
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Double db = new Double("3.44"); // VIOLATION
Double.valueOf("3.44"); // VIOLATION
if(db == null) {
// Do Something
db = null;
Should be written as:
Avoid converting String to Double
Avoid using String charAt
Use char[] representation of the string instead of using String.charAt().
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(String str) {
for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++) {
System.out.println(str.charAt(i)); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleCorrection {
public void Sample(String str) {
char[] carr = str.toCharArray(); // CORRECTION
for(int i=0; i<carr.length; i++) {
System.out.println(carr[i]); // CORRECTION
Avoid using exponentiation
Do not use exponentiation.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public int getPower(int iB, int iP) {
int it = (int) Math.pow(iB, iP); // VIOLATION
return it;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public int getPower(int iB, int iP) {
int it = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < iP; i++) { // CORRECTION
it *= iB;
return it;
Avoid using Double toString
Avoid using Double toString for performance reasons
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample(double d) {
String dStr = Double.toString(d); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
Avoid Using Double.toString() instead use custom conversion algorithm.
Avoid LinkedLists
Avoid LinkedLists instead use Vector / ArrayList as LinkedList implementation has a performance overhead for indexed access.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class ClassViolation {
public void sample() {
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
if(list != null) {
list = null;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
final int SIZE = 10;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(SIZE);
if(list != null) {
list = null;
Declare public or protected method final
It optimizes the code and makes the code self documenting.
class SampleViolation{
public void sample() { // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
class SampleCorrection {
public final void method() { // CORRECTION
Declare private constant fields final
A private constant fields should be declared final for performance reasons
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleViolation {
private int i = 5; // VIOLATION
public void sample() {
int j = i;
j = j + i;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleCorrection {
private final int i = 5; // CORRECTION
public void sample() {
int j = i;
j = j + i;
Do lazy initialization
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
private Classviolation instance = new Classviolation(); //Violation
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
private ClassViolation instance;
public ClassVoliation getInstance()
if(doLazy == null)
instance = new ClassViolation(); // Correction
return instance;
Use entrySet instead of keySet
Use entrySet() instead of keySet().
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
Map m = new HashMap();
Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator();
Object key =;
Object v = m.get(key); // Violation
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection
public void sample()
Map m = new HashMap();
Set set = m.entrySet(); //Correction.
Object keyValuePair =;
Avoid boolean array
Do not use array of boolean.
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleViolation {
public void sample() {
boolean[] b = new boolean[]{true, false, true}; // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public class SampleCorrection {
public void sample() {
BitSet bs = new BitSet(3); // CORRECTION
Loop invariant code motion
The code that is going to result in same value over the iterations of loop, should be moved out of the loop.
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleViolation {
public void sample(int x, int y, int[] z) {
for(int i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
z[i] = x * Math.abs(y); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleCorrection {
public void sample(int x, int y, int[] z) {
int t1 = x * Math.abs(y); // CORRECTION
for(int i = 0; i < z.length; i++) {
z[i] = t1;
Use System arrayCopy
Use 'System.arraycopy()' instead of a loop to copy array. This rule disallows the copying of arrays inside a loop
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleViolation {
public int[] copyArray (int[] array) {
int length = array.length;
int[] copy = new int [length];
for(int i=0;i<length;i++) {
copy [i] = array[i]; // VIOLATION
return copy;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
class SampleCorrection {
public int[] copyArray (int[] array) {
final int ZERO = 0;
int length = array.length;
int[] copy = new int [length];
System.arraycopy(array, ZERO, copy, ZERO, length); // CORRECTION
return copy;
Avoid debugging code
Avoid debugging code.
package com.vimal.sample;
public void SampleVolation {
private int count =0;
public int getCount() {
System.out.println("count ="+count); // Violation
return count;
Should be written as:
package com.vimal.sample;
public void SampleCorrection {
private int count =0;
public int getCount() {
if (Debug.ON) {
System.out.println("count ="+count); //correction
return count;
Ensure efficient removal of elements in a collection
Searching a collection to fetch the element to remove is inefficient.
public class Sample {
public void sample(Collection collection) {
Iterator iter = collection.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object element =;
collection.remove(element); // VIOLATION
Should be written as:
public class Sample {
public void someMethod(Collection collection) {
Iterator iter = collection.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
iter.remove(); // CORRECTION
I am java beginner. This is really useful post! Thank you....
ReplyDeletePlease write about threads also........
thanks for this great article! This is really useful.