How to configure Redmine for advanced integration with Subversion
Before starting this guide, take into account that this is not necessary to see the repository changes in the Redmine application. If you only want to see the repository changes and link to the issues, it is only necessary to configure the project repository: Project -> Settings -> Repository -> URL and Control Version System.
This Redmine configuration is for automatic repository creation and rights management. Since 1.1.3-1 version, Redmine Stack ships all required modules for this configuration. Notice that if you are using Virtual Appliances or AMIs the installdir variable is "/opt/bitnami". It could be necessary to use the "sudo" command if the Stack was installed by the root user.
This guide has been updated to work with Redmine 3+.
Add the following lines in Apache configuration file (httpd.conf):
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/
LoadModule perl_module modules/
Copy the file into the Perl modules folder:
$ cp /installdir/apps/redmine/htdocs/extra/svn/ installdir/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/*/Apache2/
Create a folder for the repository, for instance:
$ mkdir /installdir/repository
$ mkdir /installdir/repository/svn
$ chown root:daemon installdir/repository/ [or "your_user:your_user" if you installed the Stack without root privileges]
$ chown root:daemon installdir/repository/svn/ [or "your_user:your_user" if you installed the Stack without root privileges]
$ chmod 0755 /installdir/repository
$ chmod 0750 /installdir/repository/svn
Add to the @installdir/apps/redmine/conf/httpd-app.conf@ file.
`PerlLoadModule Apache2::Redmine
<Location /svn>
DAV svn
SVNParentPath "/installdir/repository/svn"
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Satisfy any
PerlAccessHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::access_handler
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Authn::Redmine::authen_handler
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Redmine SVN Repository"
#read-only access
Require valid-user
Allow from localhost
Allow from
Satisfy any
# write access
Require valid-user
## for mysql
RedmineDSN "DBI:mysql:database=bitnami_redmine;host=localhost;mysql_socket=/installdir/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock"
RedmineDbUser "bitnami"
RedmineDbPass "bitnami_database_password"
#You can find this value at /installdir/apps/redmine/htdocs/config/database.yml
Restart the servers:
$ /installdir/ restart
Log in the Redmine application as Administrator and go to "Settings" -> "Repositories" -> "Enable WS for repository management".
Click on "Generate a key" and save it.
Add the following line in the crontab. You can edit the crontab using the command "crontab -e"
*/2 * * * * /installdir/ruby/bin/ruby /installdir/apps/redmine/htdocs/extra/svn/reposman.rb --redmine localhost:YOUR_APACHE_PORT/redmine --svn-dir /installdir/repository/svn --owner root --group daemon --command="/installdir/subversion/bin/svnadmin create --pre-1.6-compatible --fs-type fsfs" --url http://YOUR_PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS:YOUR_APACHE_PORT/svn --key="YOUR_API_KEY" --verbose >> /var/log/reposman.log
If you have configured Redmine to accress through SSL, you can specify "--redmine @" in the previous crontab line.
You can check that everything works properly creating a project from the Redmine application and checking the /var/log/reposman.log file.
Permission and ownership setting
create folders for svn repository
cd *<installdir>/repository/svn*
svnadmin create <repodirname>
From *<installdir>*
chown -R nobody:apache repository/
chmod -R 777 repository/svn/
I have tried to type these codes twice, and I still have some problems. It doesn't work at all. Did anybody also have such a problem?
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